

Ok so Im just going to say I eat weird! I know I do, I embrace that, and it’s not for everyone, I totally get that, BUT if you want a few GREAT recipes for weird food, just take a peek at a few I’ve included because these are my go to tried and true after lots of non edible attempts! 

Ok to clarify I have several actual food allergies, they are gluten, dairy, egg, and cashews. Then, I also adhere to eat right for your blood type, if you haven’t heard of that its a whole thing its been around for a long time look up Dr D’Amao.  My blood type is B. So I follow the plan of foods that are beneficial, neutral and foods I should avoid accordingly. Funny thing is I had been having digestion issues, gallbladder pain and noticing I was feeling ill and having significant headaches after eating certain foods and low and behold upon researching Dr D’Amao indeed those foods were “avoid” foods for my blood type even though they are considered “healthy”. That being said I no longer eat chicken, corn, coconut anything, no seafood, no seeds, virtually no legumes/beans and I can only have 2 fats, Olive or grapeseed oils! So yes it is very limiting, or so it seems initially, however I feel so much better. 

You might ask, how exactly? Well, as I have rounded the corner of half a century now my joints started talking to me and they didn’t have very nice things to say! Inflammation is not your friend, anywhere in the body! Hot flashes and night sweats were a constant battle! My gallbladder was not happy, nor the rest of my digestive track for that matter either. I would have said I was developing seasonal allergies and another big one for me was my lung capacity, I honestly was beginning to think I should get checked out for COPD! If you know me at all, you know I Iove to hike and I had to stop to breathe every 100 feet! Anyway 1 month of strict eat right for my blood type and all that and I mean all that is gone! And more I’m happy to say! 

So this old dog had to learn some new tricks when it comes to the kitchen because again if you know me you know I like to eat and I like my sweets! I have said it before and I will say it again baking GF, DF, EF and more is a science and Im no professor, but again I do like to eat so…… try and try again is a mantra!!

In this section you will find a few favorites, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!! It’s also important to mention that on some things brand or should I say quality matters immensely so if I mention a certain brand or name there is a reason, feel free to change things up just know you results may vary and if you’re ok with that Im ok with that! Enjoy!!

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