When Springs go Boing!

So, on my motorhome I have 4 levelers that have 2 springs on each leveler that help pull them back up. I was on a particularly un-level site and did not consider how far my rear levelers would have to come down and of course my rig is a little older, 2006. Once everything was down I went outside to check all 4 levelers, came back inside and I was in fact fairly level! YAY Success!! Then, BOING! A loud sound I hadn’t heard before but weirdly enough I was pretty sure I knew exactly what it was, maybe from my childhood cartoon days, but that sound was familiar.

Sure enough the passenger rear leveler only had 1 spring still attached and the one was broken in half. Technically you can still lift that leveler if you had to! Grab 2×4 and a block for a fulcrum point , stand on Lon the end of the 2×4 with the other end under the round pad of the leveler and boom it will go up! Go ahead I know you want to a sk… ‘how do I know that?”… well again my rig is a bit older and sometimes the levelers need a little help to go up!!

I can’t take credit for this replacement technique, I typically google several options before landing on a solution to try. This one came up several times and was in budget so it was the winner!!

Step 1 – find the part number for your rig and order from your choice of suppllier

Step 2 – pick up, often for free, paint sticks from the hardware store, shoe each stick every 2 inches and snap into as many pieces as possible

Step 3 – have Avery excited ( as pictured) helper pull the spring while you insert the paint stick pieces to increase the overall length of the spring

Step 4- crawl under the rig and hook the elongated replacement spring on the top hooks and pull with all your might to hook on the bottom. Hint a screw driver placed horizontal through the replacement spring to help pull it down can be helpful!

Boom the BOING is good to go!!

Installed new spring is still black!

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